In Loving Memory
“Big Ang”
Angelo Umberto Taranto

May 5th, 1944 – December 19th, 2019





    It’s been said that some people come into our lives and quickly go, while others leave footprints in our hearts and because of them, we will never be the same. Angelo Taranto did both. With his characteristic raspy voice and a smile that never quit, Angelo believed everyone should live life to the fullest, and that he did, especially during his last years on earth.

    Just like most of us, Big Ang had many stories to tell. Resourceful in many ways, Angelo lived in the present… going to see people, helping others wherever he could. He was a giver, not a taker, and may have even picked up YOUR tab!

    While he could have, Angelo never whined or let his illnesses get him down. He faithfully reached out to his brothers and sisters. Perhaps he learned faithfulness being a good Catholic, or maybe he was that kindhearted by nature.

    Not only was he faithful to his friends, he was committed to all things ABATE, giving 110 percent. Shortly after joining, he promised our President, Johnny Rose, that he would bring in 1000 members. He may not have met that goal, but as a vital part of ABATE, he recruited numerous members during his abbreviated membership. Even the owner of Peterson’s Harley Davidson (an ABATE member because of Big Ang) would attest to that.

    Those who knew Angelo were truly blessed. Beyond doubt, his passing saddens the hearts of all those he left behind. Nevertheless, this active ABATE member went out shifting gears with his boots on!

Be a difference maker in Angelo’s honor,
Chrissy Leonhardt - Chaplain